REGISTRATION OPENING SEPTEMBER 10, 2024: There are two ways to register:
– ONLINE by clicking HERE*
– by downloading the REGISTRATION FORM*
*Think about doing the PPS before you sign up
to be returned with payment to the following address: EKIDEN 36, Maison des Associations, 34 Espace Mendès France, 36000 CHATEAUROUX.
Entries will be accepted until 09/11/2024 at 17:00, with a surcharge of €2 per runner from midnight 03/11/2024.
The meal option is available up to and including 10/31/2024.

Photo © Yves Boury
Pour les mineurs
To take part in the Ekiden you must have been born in 2009 at the latest.
People born in 2010 and 2011 (FFA category Minimes) are not allowed to compete in common events with adults (case of the Ekiden), in application of the Rules of Races Outside Stadium of the French Federation of Athletics.
Documents to be provided :
Minor participants NOT FFA (Fédération Française d’Athlétisme) licensees
– Download and provide the HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE FOR MINORS completed by the minor and signed by his/her legal representative, provided that all answers are answered “NO” (the only condition for this questionnaire to be accepted).
ATTENTION: If you answer “YES” to one or more questions, there’s no point in completing this questionnaire, as it will be invalid. In this case, you should consult. In this case, please provide a MEDICAL CERTIFICATE (clearly stating “no contraindication to competitive running”).
This choice is a measure taken from the FFA regulations to simplify the procedure for taking part in an event or obtaining a license.
Under-age participants with FFA (Fédération Française d’Athlétisme) licenses
– IThey must enter their license number when registering (and provide it if necessary).
For all participants under the age of 18, whether licensed or not, the legal representative must download, fill in and sign the form PARENTAL CONSENT and the HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE. Both documents must be attached to the registration form.
For more information : Consult the regulations
The “Ekiden spirit” is a reward for all. Each participant will receive a long-sleeved technical T-shirt.
– The winners of each CHALLENGE will also be rewarded.
– The 16th edition raffle prizes will be awarded during a convivial meal in the gymnasium after the race.
The program
Bib number pick-up :
Salle du Parc, avenue Daniel-Bernardet 36000 Châteauroux
– Saturday, November 9, 2024 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm
– Sunday, November 10, 2024 from 8:00 to 8:30 a.m.
Race start
– Sunday, November 10, 2024:
9:00 am – Start of the adult race

Photo © Yves Boury

Photo © Yves Boury

Photo © Yves Boury
1. SCRATCH Challenge – 6 team members (any gender mix, except 3 women/3 men)
2. WOMEN Challenge – 6 women
3. MIXED Challenge – 3 men and 3 women, exclusively
4. Challenge ASSOCIATIONS – 6 team members (any mix of men and women) from the same association whose purpose is not running, biathlon or triathlon. The team must comprise a minimum of 4 members of the Association.
5. FAMILY Challenge – 6 non-licensed team members (any gender mix), including at least 4 members of the same family.
6. COMPANIES/ADMINISTRATIONS Challenge – 6 team members (any gender mix) from the same company or administration. The team must include at least 4 members from the company or administration.
7. STUDENT Challenge – 6 students and/or high-school students and/or apprentices (any gender mix) – student/ high-school student/apprentice card as proof.
SPECIAL ANIMATION PRIZE – Race atmosphere and masquerade costume – awarded to a team by the Organizing Committee jury.
At least one member of the team must be physically present at the prize-giving ceremony.